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9 results found for “fun”

Richard created a number of fun and clever magic effects that made use of the fact that they were amazing when performed in space

Tags: Magic, Fun, Common

In space you can’t go shopping

Tags: Gravity, Fun, Common

Things aren’t always what they seem!

Tags: Magic, Gravity, Common, Fun

Busting a new move in micro gravity

Tags: Dancing, Fun, Gravity, Common

Pick up a towel and fly

Tags: Gravity, Fun, Science, Common

To create artworks unlike any that could be made on Earth, Richard built a paint box

Tags: Liquids, Art, Biography, Fun, Common

In this demonstration we can observe what happens to water in the absence of gravity

Tags: Science, Fluids, Liquids, Fun, Common

In this demonstration you can see magnets in space interacting with the Earth’s magnetic field

Tags: Science, Magnets, Forces, Fun, Common

Water is vital to life, and in space it is beautiful

Tags: Science, Liquids, Drinking, Fun, Common